Tag Archives: nauvoo pageant core cast

Awesome Nauvoo Pageant Shots {Pt-1}

“When you’re here…..we’re here.” And so it begins…… Pageant time is here and we love it! We are amazed at the cheerful faces, in spite of the heat, humidity, rain (sometimes torrential), and bugs. They just keep smiling through hours of practice—both morning and afternoon—and evening performances. Kuddos go to the core and family casts,…

Super British Pageant Shots {The Gals}

As I mentioned in the last post about the guys, here’s the next category of super shots from the British Pageant. These photos remind me of this little line: Sugar and spice and everything nice….. Add to that…..amazing talent, beautiful voices, and never-ending smiles and you have the gals of the British Pageant core cast….

Our Story Goes On…… {Part-3}

(There were too many amazing images to do one post, so it is divided into Part-1, Part-2, and Part-3. This is mostly posted for the core cast to share with family and friends….but the rest of you, just enjoy!) We felt the full gamut of emotions. From laughter (Andy’s rooster and Garrett’s toddler sounds) to…

Our Story Goes On…… {Part-2}

(There were too many amazing images to do one post, so it is divided into Part-1, Part-2, and Part-3. This is mostly posted for the core cast to share with family and friends….but the rest of you, just enjoy!) We have seen this performance several times since 2009 and all have been fabulous but this…

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