Sweet British Pageant Shots {Pt-2}

If you missed Part-1 of the sweet British Pageant photos Tom has taken, go HERE…..otherwise you will be starting in the middle of the show!! This group of photos captures the essence of life on the ship. Wish you were here to hear the music.

Show finale is touching as missionaries serving in the Nauvoo area join the cast on stage as all sing “Called to Serve”…..see that at the bottom of the page.

tom simpson photography british pageant photos

british pageant photos by tom simpson  photography

young performing missionaries british pageant dance

british pageant photos by tom simpson  photography

british pageant photos by tom simpson  photography

british pageant photos by tom simpson  photography

british pageant photos by tom simpson  photography

british pageant photos by tom simpson  photography

british pageant photos by tom simpson  photography

british pageant photos by tom simpson  photography

british pageant in nauvoo 2015

british pageant photos by tom simpson  photography

missionaries in british pageant photos by tom simpson  photography

Catch photos from last year’s show here:

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Seasons of Nauvoo: Year-round Imagery of the City Beautiful
Seasons of Nauvoo: Year-round Imagery of the City Beautiful